Following FC Dallas’ loss at San Jose earlier this month, the club was officially eliminated from playoff contention. For all intents and purposes, this put my coverage of this team into offseason mode almost instantly.

Sure, we have one more game left to play, but this offseason already feels like it will be busy.

As we begin ramping up for the offseason, let’s start off today with a look at some key questions facing the club. Some of them will sound very familiar, but I hope to really get into a lot of the roster side of things in the coming weeks.

Can they fix their injury issues?

If you paid any attention to this club in 2024…or 2023, for that matter, you know the injury situation was a thing.

The injury situation certainly cut into this team's progress and potential for 2024. Former head coach Nico Estevez would say as much when asked about injuries, and current interim manager Peter Luccin tends to echo the same statements.

It hasn’t been great this year in the injury department. Just take a quick gander at the chart below.