One constant question FC Dallas fans always want to know is who is next. Who is that next, Jesus Ferreira or Paxton Pomykal? Who will rise from the academy into the first team, earn a transfer overseas and become the next Reggie Cannon, Ricardo Pepi, or Tanner Tessman?

Now that the FC Dallas academy is in a new season (they run fall-to-spring…which I know always sparks some fun debates for the calendar purest out there), it felt like a good time to dive into some candidates that FC Dallas may look at signing this winter when the 2023 season is in the books.

Recent HGP changes for FCD

Over the last couple of seasons, FC Dallas has gone from being the Homegrown factory that signs several HGPs to first-team deals each year to just one or two. They’re being more picky (rightfully so) on those players they sign to the coveted HGP deal and are signing more guys who are getting minutes with North Texas SC as an academy player.

Gone are the days of signing a Danny Garcia or Jonathan Top for the sake of it. Sure, they don’t want to lose out on the next Weston McKennie, but if they can target the next Pepi, go for it.

I think the approach to get academy players at North Texas SC first is the right way to go too. It was something this club lacked for many years, and they’re finally getting better at figuring out who is ready for a professional contract early on instead of hoping the teenager can turn into a professional after they sign them.

I have a couple of options below that are already signed on with North Texas SC for the next year, which is an excellent route for FC Dallas (and other MLS teams) to take now. It gives these plays a chance to develop and not take up a first team roster spot with an HGP tag until they’re ready for it

Going into this offseason, I do wonder if FC Dallas will pass on signing some guys to full HGP deals and continue to sign players to NTSC deals instead. However, I do think there are one or two below that may merit a full HGP deal just to keep them in the system and not lose out on them as a professional.